User Fees Reporting

User Fee: Fees charged for processing access requests filed under the Access to Information Act (ATIA)

Fee Type: Other products and services (O)

Fee-setting Authority: ATIA

Date Last Modified: 1992

Performance Standards: Response provided within 30 days following receipt of request; the response time may be extended pursuant to section 9 of the ATIA. Notice of extension is to be sent within 30 days after receipt of request.

Performance Results: Statutory deadlines were met 100 per cent of the time.

2011-12 ($)Planning Years ($)
Forecast RevenueActual RevenueFull CostFiscal YearForecast RevenueEstimated Full Cost

Other Information: Under the Access to Information Act, fees under $25.00 may be waived when deemed to be in the public interest. Fees waived during 2011-12 represented $50.00